Stopping smoking can be very hard for some people. Let’s face it, nicotine is highly addictive.
Often the problem people have with stopping smoking is that consciously they want to stop smoking but on a sub-conscious level they don’t want to.
The key to succeeding and becoming a non smoker is to get your sub-conscious mind on board in your stop smoking plan.
This can be done in a variety of ways but one of the most effective and lasting is to use hypnosis. The hypnosis program communicates directly to your sub-conscious mind and persuades it that you want to become a non smoker.
The Free From Tobacco hypnosis MP3 is based on our highly successful stop smoking hypnosis program done face to face with clients. It works with your sub-conscious mind to help you stop smoking.
Clients who have used this program have noticed that after listening to it they just find themselves not smoking without having to think about it or force themselves not to smoke.
This is the beauty of hypnosis and why it works so well. Use this program for 14 to 21 days (you will know exactly when to stop using it) and you will find yourself not only stopping smoking but becoming a non smoker. This shift in identity is vital if you want to permanently stop smoking.
This is a downloadable CD quality MP3 that is 52Mb in size. The track is 55 minutes long.
Click the button below to listen to a sample from this hypnosis program.