Depression can be a crippling illness for people who suffer from it and is one that still carries a surprising social stigma in many cases, particularly among men. Many people see depression as “failure” in their lives and so try to ignore not only the causes but the symptoms too. It is chronically un-diagnoses with millions of people suffering from it to some degree without really knowing that depression is the problem.
Depression manifests in many ways from the serious bipolar or manic depression through to mild depression whose symptoms include lethargy, general feelings of apathy and a being “down” the majority of the time.
Doctors can treat this with anti-depressants which change your brain chemistry to make the feelings of depression weaker and then you can work on changing your life and removing the sources of your depression. However, anti-depressants do have side affects.
This binaural subliminal program has been created to help people suffering from mild depression and to work with conventional medical treatment to help you focus on the good things in your life and changing your life to remove potential sources of depression.
This is a downloadable CD quality MP3 that is 50Mb in size. The track is 60 minutes long.
Click the link below to listen to a sample from this hypnosis program.
Note: If you are suffering from depression always seek help from your medical professional as well as using this audio program. Inform your medical professional that you are using this program and follow their advice. This program is in no way a substitute for proper medical advice.